Police Militarization, History Lesson and Reality Check

In the aftermath of the Boston bombing there has been an increase in people talking about police militarization. Bloggers, radio show hosts, and TV show hosts have all made it seem like the local cops are becoming an occupational military force. But take a look at police history and find that police militarization is not new nor is it a threat to the American way of life. 

Much of this uproar over police militarization comes from officers carrying rifles. Well actually the bleeding hearts claim all the police now have machine guns. But lets address cops carrying rifles frist.

Way back in the 1880s police officers were on horse back and carrying revolvers. But guess what some had rifles also. Here is a photo I found from 1886 of police who had all qualified as rifle marksmen.

police history

1886 Police with rifles

So cops had rifles a century ago. Nothing new by giving cops rifles today.

But I guess that does not address the machine gun issue. All conspiracy theorists bemoan modren police militarization efforts due to machine guns being in the hands of local cops. Check out these photos of police from the 1920s and the 1930s. They are using Thompson Machine Guns, the AR-15 of that time period.

Police history

1930s police with Thompson Machine guns

Police history

Police in the 1920s with Thompson Machine Guns

So why are police from 90 years ago with machine guns an OK thing but morden police are on an uncontrolled police militarization kick?

One other issue that people are complaining about is the use of armored cars. One TV host called the police militarization movement the equivalent an Army invading Main Street, cops in tanks intimidating the civilians.

Take a look at history. In the 1940s local police started to deploy armored cars for high risk situations. These armored cars were not mainstream, and were usually custom built but cities all over the US had them.

Police history

An early Police armored car from the 1940s

Time for a recap. Various talking heads and conspiracy theorist are postulating that police militarization is the first step in declaring martial law and turning the USA into some dictatorship. These people point to the use of military weapons and military vehicles by local police as facts to support their theories.

But the fact is cops have had machine guns and armored cars for decades. If these are the first step in martial law, how long does it take to make this first step? Seriously we have been taking this first step since the early 1900s. Is this some kind of multi generational conspiracy?

More likely the conspiracy theories and the bleeding heats have never studied police history. What they see as Police Militarization, is nothing more than good officers using the tools needed to keep the public safe AND ensure they go home alive at the end of shift.

I guess what they say is true “if you fail history you are doomed to repeat it”. Then again I guess no one bothers to study police history before bashing the police…